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MiXscience’s Premixes are fundamental to feed formulas, are technical products (trace elements, basemixes and vitamins concentrates).

They complete and balance raw materials to satisfy animals’ zoological needs, by being associated in small proportions to various raw materials, thus creating a complete feed.

MiXscience has two sites specialised in premix manufacturing, one in Château-Gontier (France) and the other in Gdansk  (Poland). Our plant organization leads to the manufacturing of high-quality, safe and fully traceable products. All our premix production sites are ISO-certified, thus allowing for a rigorous follow-up throughout the production chain and guaranteeing full traceability.

Basemixes are essential to a balanced animal diet. They can be enriched in vitamins or other nutrients such as essential oils and yeast.
Basemixes play a significant role in balancing the animals’ feed ration. They are essential components of the animal’s skeleton, meat, milk and eggs, as well as their epithelial appendages (hairs, feathers, nails, hooves).

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